Friday, June 1, 2007

Laura Lukes
June 1, 2007
Judy Brady
Question # 7

I want a Husband

Judy Brady made it clear that women do play a major role in the household, but to me, what she really wants is a slave with benefits. She really wants someone that she can push around and tell what to do and when to do it. In our society now, that would not have gone very far. Women are more versatile now. Women do more than just stay at home and cook for their families. Women are more independent upon themselves now. They have their own careers and their own lives outside of their homes. What women need are good husbands.
I want a husband that has a successful career. I want a husband that does bring in some profit, but I still want to contribute with my own career. I want a husband that understands what a woman wants. I want a husband that will be romantic every once in awhile without me telling him that is what I want. I want a husband to give me a gift not because it is a special occasion, but an “I appreciate Everything You Do” gift. I want a husband that can remember special events without being told: Wedding Anniversary, Birthday, Christmas, Valentines Day, and ect. I want a husband that understands that he can be wrong sometimes. I want him to say, “Oh honey, you are right.” I want a husband that is not afraid to ask for directions. He would be able to pull off the road at a gas station and admit he is lost. I want a husband that would give a day of Monday Night Football a rest just to be with me. My husband would be able to talk to me about anything, even if it was something that would make him cry. I want a husband that would pick out “Gone with the Wind,” even though it is not one of his favorites, he would pick it out for me.
I want a husband that would take the children for a day just so I could go have a relaxing day at the spa. He would take care of the kids and all of their appointments and clean the house. After I come back, he would have a meal ready for me light up with candles. I want a husband that cares about my sexual needs. He does not always push for sexual favors when I am not in the mood. He would also like to try new things. I want a husband that was the way I first met him. He was always romantic and trying to impress me every day. It would be as if we were just still starting to date.
I want a husband that would be the “perfect” husband!

As perfect as this essay sounds, life is not always perfect. I think that both of the essays are a little out there, but I think mine is more realistic. There are some men out there that are as romantic and are just as I described them. I think Brady was writing about the women back in her era. As I said before, times have changed from then to where women have become now.


Jen said...

Laura, I have to ask: if women have changed so much, why does your essay sound exactly the same as Brady's, just from the perspective of the opposite gender? What you have written seems a direct response to Brady's, yet hers is 1971 and yours is 2007. If I placed the two next to each other, I could definitely conclude that they were written at about the same time.

Laura Lukes said...

Both Essays are fiction. It is what we want to believe! These "I wants" are just fantasies of what we want in a spouse. Some of our spouses may have these qualities, but no on is "the perfect spouse." These are the things that we wish our spouses had. They are kind of like wish lists.