Thursday, May 24, 2007

Freedom Of Spech

Laura Lukes
May 24, 2007

Bok wrote about Freedom of speech and how people abuse it. When those kids hung a Confederate Flag up, they were just showing what they believe in, but when that kid displayed a swasitika he was just doing it to retaliate. But i believe people have the right to preach about whatever they believe in, as long as it does not affect anyone else's beliefs. The Universities cannot tell the students what is right and what is wrong because they are going to find a way around it. Just like if a persontell someone that the plates is hot, they are going to test it out for themselves anyway no matter what. If something bothers a person that someone else does, try to ignore it. They are either trying to get a person fired up or trying to make a statement. Why keep pushing something that would only make the situation worse? Another good point Bok made was to tell the person why it is a problem. Letting a person know how you feel about a situation is a good way to communite your side of things as well, without the disbutes.

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