Friday, May 25, 2007

Expanded Summary of Browmiller

Sara Tillman
May 25, 2007

Brownmiller's piece was very interesting, but more interesting then her piece are the different views of my classmates. I reviewed Kristin Gebel, Matt Smith, and Kaleena Damm's summaries of Brownmiller. As I read each piece I found similarities and differences to mine. We all seemed to agree with the fact that there is a fine line between what is art and what is porn. Also, we all mentioned the three part plan, but some choose to elaborate on this point and some merely mentioned it. However, we all seemed to have a little different view on the first amendment.

Kristin Gebel emphasized the fact that she disagreed with the obscenity that can be produced in the porn industry, but gave partial blame to the fact that the first amendment is too vague. It was obvious in her summary that she agreed with Brownmiller. She even wrote that "women's right are being violated in the porn industry" as if this is something that she is passionate about.

I thought that Matt Smith brought up and interesting point when he disagreed with Brownmiller views according to the government mandating the porn industry closer. He believes that the government should not have control over the porn industry because that would be one more thing that they have control over. I don't necessarily agree, but I like the fact that he dared to disagree. He also elaborated on the three part plan in his summary like another student in the class, Kaleena Damm. I felt like Matt was standing up for the men of this article, which he should in a way. This article does seem to attach men as if there is no male porn. Why do we constantly accuse men of "degrading women" as Brownmiller said in her writing, yet we fail to look at the other side of the issue. I think it is very interesting that the three girls agreed with Brownmiller, and the one boy disagreed. I think we are all bias to our sex?

Like Matt Smith, Kaleena Damm wrote about the 3 part plan not being an effective way to rate porn. However, Kaleena agrees with Brownmiller that women's right are being violated in the porn industry. She also agree that "porn should be taken to the legislature", as she said in the closing sentence of her summary.

All four students came to the same conclusion that the porn industry may go too far sometimes and when this happens people get offended. However, we all all choose to express this in many different way. Some agreed very strongly with Brownmiller, some understood what she was fighting for, and some even disagreed with her. Nevertheless, we all stood up for what we believed is right.

1 comment:

Suzannah said...

Great post, I would like to contribute one thing. I didn't feel that men were being blamed for degrading women. True there is porn for couples, porn for lesbians, porn for gay men, porn for women and everyone in between-however the vast majority of commercial porn is targeted towards men. I feel that in order to move towards greater equality between all sexes, everyone needs to be accountable for their share in the degradation of others. I do think that people's initial biases align with their gender, but hopefully once recognized the bias can be mediated.