Friday, June 8, 2007

Play Fair

Kristi Feucht
June 8, 2007

Title: John Irvings title "Wrestling with Title IX", gives the impression that there is something amiss with Title IX. He tells that his topic will revolve around Title IX. He also ties in "wrestling" with many of his examples throughout the essay.

Thesis: Irving states in his thesis that "Title IX may be in for an overhaul" in the very first sentence of his essay. He doesn't explain what he personally would like changed until the second paragraph.

Purpose: Irvings purpose in this essay is not to get rid of Title IX, but to go back to the original meaning of it. Congress passed Title IX in 1972 to "put an end to sex discrimination in schools."

Method: Irving uses many examples throughout his essay of schools that have had to cut men's programs in order to keep it equal with women's programs to comply with Title IX. He has pointed out how some schools have tried to go to drastic measures to provide new women's sports instead of cutting men's sports. He also points out how many male students don't have the oppurtunity to play at college level because of the gender inequality of sports.

Persona: Irving comes across as a regular law abiding citizen. He also shows how he stays involved in politics and is not afraid to stand by his decisions regarding touchy subjects such as abortion.

Closing Paragraph: In Irving's closing paragraph he uses a personal quote from an umpire. It is a small but powerful quote that can be applied to many things, including this essay.

Impressions: The feelings I get from this essay are that Irving is correct. The law is being misinterpreted. Congress needs to reevaluate the original meaning of Title IX and then create a new law pertaining to gender equality among sports if so needed. I personally feel there should be no such law. Going back to the essay about Arizona State University trying to create a women's rowing team in a state where there is no water is ridiculus that a school would have to go to those measures to keep a program in their school from being cut. I agree with Irving and the Little League umpire, "Play fair!"

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