Sunday, August 5, 2007

Week 6 Blog post

Week 6 Blog

When did the sacrifices of the few start to out way the needs of the many? I totally disagree with the commenting on the Holmes case by Supreme Court Justice Benjamin Cardozo. Justice Cordozo wrote that that if “none were ready to sacrifice themselves that the human freight must be left to chance the waters”. In an over loaded boat, that is sinking, in rough waters, what is wrong with jettisoning some “human cargo”? If everything else is gone, how else is the crew to save as many people as possible by lightening the ship? I say women and children first (no don’t toss them out first)! The old, the sick, those who are single without young children and then the men that have children if need be. The unfortunate rule of disaster is that some must die so that others can survive on. I would gladly have volunteered my life in order to save the lives of others in the situation that they were in.

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