Friday, June 22, 2007


Carrie Egging
June 22, 2007

In my mind, abortion is wrong. I believe that abortion should only be used in extreme cases where the mother’s health is in jeopardy. There is no reason why a person can’t go through the pregnancy and then give up the child for adoption if the person decides they are unable to care for the child. I understand that some sacrifices might have to be made from a person’s normal routine. An athlete may not be able to compete for a year, a musician may not be able to march, a partier may not be able to go to parties and drink all night, but in most situations, this person did something to be put in this situation.

I understand that it is possible that a woman could become pregnant from the offense of rape, but what crime did the child that this women now carry do to deserve not to even get a chance at life? I know that it would not be fair for this woman to have to bear this child, but I believe that it would be worse to know that after such a bad thing happened then to turn around and murder a sinless individual.

When an individual has become pregnant for actions that they should not have been doing, I do believe that it is not right that the baby should suffer and never get a chance to live just because two individuals couldn’t wait till they were stable enough to care for a child and wanted the easy way out of taking care of him or her. Or the woman got pregnant and didn’t want to tell her parents about it, so she got an abortion to cover up her actions. Where in all of this did the baby do anything wrong to deserve to die because its mother and father were not ready to have a child? It is almost selfish for people to do and I could never agree with it.

As one could probably tell from reading my essay, I do believe that a human embryo or fetus has right to life. They are a living individual even thought they have not seen light or breathed fresh air yet. These fetus’ that are aborted could have one day grown up to discover a cure for cancer or invent something that improved the quality of life, but we will never know because they were never given any opportunity at all.

Once again I believe that abortion should never be acceptable unless the mother’s life is in danger. The fetus should always be given a chance at life. And adoption is always an option if the mother and father could not care for the child. It is time for people to take responsibility for some of their actions and stop trying to take the easy way out and taking the life of child before they have an opportunity to live.

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